
maanantai 24. joulukuuta 2007


Och de tapahtu siihe aika att de kom käsky från kejsar Augustus att varenda Matti Meikäläinen skulle börja paya vero. De va ihan eka mätkäytys, och den fixa di när Kvirinius va pomo i Syrien.
Då paina joka iikka till sin stadi, för å hoita hela bumagan. De kekka Jussi me, och för att han va pikkuserkku me Davy så vetä han från Nasaret som e en stadi i Galileen opp till Davy stadi som dom hanimittä Betlehem i Judeen, för å hoita sin verojuttu och samalla Marjas som va hans kimma och som hade pulla uuniss.

Medan di hengaile där blev de meno för henne. Och hon synnyttä sin ykkös jappe och heittä på honom ekat kledjut och laitta honom i navettan, för de va No Vacancy på hotelle.

I samma seutu viipy några skobaren på kenttän å funkka som nite guards över doms elukkor. Då ilmesty en Herran enkeli kunnon face to face och kehittä watteja ihan täysii; och doms sisu gick todella kaulaan. Men enkelin selittä till dom: "Ta de nu iisit bara. Kela att ja ha message om en mega yees fiilis, som ä för koko kansa. För just idag ha en Frälsare synty i Davys stadi, å han ä messias, Big Boss. Och dehär ska va todiste: ni ska löytä en brandnew baby, som liggä i kapalon i navetta."

Ha en jättekiva joulutid!

perjantai 7. joulukuuta 2007

Cellphones are fun...

When they work... I've been having my beautyfull N95 on service for 3 weeks...its a nightmare... but that is a different story!
I was Smsing with a friend about some practical things with some stuff when I started to type another message to a different friend - I was welcomeing them to a gethtogether for the independece day... but I had the number to my first friend stil in the send window and pushed the send button...and of i got...
Now that little incident made a difference, we got a nice gethogether and supé with friends we would not have invited if not the technologies would not have made us this little stunt! We really had a nice time, looked at the big party at the presidents palace and had some good food...
We thank my phone for this nice night...


tiistai 27. marraskuuta 2007

Brothers don't shoot...

we will not shoot either.
That was a sign put up at a village somewhere on the westfrontline of worldwar 2. The fronline was drawn through a village and brothers where standing on both sides... This message was working and the brethren where gathering for singing and praying durin night. However efter a while the general got to know about this arrangement and sent the men to other parts of the fronline where they did not know their enemies.

This story was told to Tom Tiainen who was walking the pilgrimidge to Santiag de Compostella last year. He's book "På God väg" is really something, with flashes of the journey and the thaughts of him and his cowalkers on the narrow road. Really worth reading...

I feel we so often put up frontlines where there is no fronline, we argue our own point of view as the only right one - of course we do. But could we listen to each other a little more, respect one another a little more. Thing the best of each other not the worst... Especially those we know - we know those are easyer to listen to. But somethimes these blogs have a tendency to break al the barriers of selfkritisism and we post a lot of rubbish...

Anyhow Peace, Love and Understanding from KokCola!

keskiviikko 14. marraskuuta 2007

Finland is shaken but not stired!

The tragedy in Jokela, a shooting by a young man in a school killing 8 others and lastly himself has deeply shaken the whole nation. Again the actions of the media is in the spotlight. TV picturing shocked people coming out from emergency care. Youngsters from the same school intervued still in shock and the whole villages life being displayed al over the country and probably around the world. Newspapers digging into the history of the victims and the shooter, a ton of explanations and pointing fingers in every direction.

My question is would there not bee room for letting people deal with their greef, sorrow and pain. Leaving the pictures of individuals in pain out, and just dooing some general stuff on the school building and so on. But that is maybe too much to ask - the buissness must go on and the people need their storys... But let's try and make a better world. Let's work on to get the papers writing good news once in a while. Let's smile at each others - that might be the last smile - we don't know you know...

torstai 1. marraskuuta 2007

Kom på konsert - njut av Nina Åström och The Holmes Brothers

4.11 kl 15 i Gamlakarleby Stadskyrka är det konsert med the Holmes Brothers som ni kan stifta bekantskap med - de e helt gratis(nästan det tas upp en kollekt!) - kom med!!!

perjantai 26. lokakuuta 2007

Small things matter...

Joan Osbourne was walking down the Second street i NY on her way to a friends party when she suddenly heard greatsounding music pooring out a window. As she got curious and went in she forgot al about her party and stayed the whole night. From this night grew a fruitful cooperation which has resulted in that The Holmes Brothers those guys who was well known around Harlem now are touring around the world. They are among the last big longtime blues-gospel artists still on the market but above all they are great.
The bros are known for their ability to reach their public and touch hearts regardless if their having a gig on a club or if their performing in a church concert. As the bros are 3 black 75-year old men, with a big heart for the music and a amazingly down to earth, graceful music. Wherever they go they are loved for their happiness and deep perspective on life, love and faith...
Check out their video in the links at left or visit their myspacesight at:

Or visit the city church in Kokkola 4.11 at 15.00 and experience them live togheter with our own town girl Nina Åström... Be there or be square!

maanantai 22. lokakuuta 2007

Just a little oups...

We were spending a marwellous week of hollyday in Turku. As we were walking through a store with the children I passed the smelly department of aftershaves and parfumes... I saw a nice bottle of Boss and took a spray of it on me... As I looked closer I realiced it was pour famme... As we got out we came the other way around so I took another shower of boss... This time it was for men! What a beautiful day!

sunnuntai 14. lokakuuta 2007

Passionate life...

Passionate life by Mike Breen and Walt Kallestad is just a great book - now it is awailable in swedish too - so you should get it from [url][/url]
Get it now! And by the mulitlingual DVD too - it just looks great!

tiistai 9. lokakuuta 2007

Att Blogga eller inte blogga!?

Sitter här på en datakurs och lär mig lite om Bloggande - dethär är kanske nåt man verkligen kunde använda! Vi har en idé om att lägga ut en del av skriftskolan på nätet och dethär att göra det via en bloggsida tror jag kommer att fungera alldeles utmärkt...
Sen är den stora frågan om jag kommer att ha tid att skriva någå blogginlägg... Efter att ha läst på bloggar i flera månader har jag nu tagit steget ut - och två frågor återstår - vad ska jag blogga om och "kommer nån att läsa mig?" - men vi tar ett steg i taget så får vi se!

Hej på dej!

nu är jag då officiellt en bloggare - förutom här har jag också en blogg på så om du av nån outgrundlig anledning är intresserad av vad jag tänker kan du också titta in där! [url][/url].
Det känns hursomhelst kul att efter att ganska länge ha läst bloggar äntligen vara ute i bloggspace!
Ha det rikgtigt gött!

Goda Nyheter!