we will not shoot either.
That was a sign put up at a village somewhere on the westfrontline of worldwar 2. The fronline was drawn through a village and brothers where standing on both sides... This message was working and the brethren where gathering for singing and praying durin night. However efter a while the general got to know about this arrangement and sent the men to other parts of the fronline where they did not know their enemies.
This story was told to Tom Tiainen who was walking the pilgrimidge to Santiag de Compostella last year. He's book "På God väg" is really something, with flashes of the journey and the thaughts of him and his cowalkers on the narrow road. Really worth reading...
I feel we so often put up frontlines where there is no fronline, we argue our own point of view as the only right one - of course we do. But could we listen to each other a little more, respect one another a little more. Thing the best of each other not the worst... Especially those we know - we know those are easyer to listen to. But somethimes these blogs have a tendency to break al the barriers of selfkritisism and we post a lot of rubbish...
Anyhow Peace, Love and Understanding from KokCola!
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1 kommentti:
It sounds like you're creating problems yourself by trying to solve this issue instead of looking at why their is a problem in the first place.
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